Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Cuddle Party!

People across the world are showing up at designated places to have a 'cuddle parties'. Strangers get together, introduce themselves and then spend time cuddling. Nothing more, just feeling the touch of another human being and feeling connected.

This is interesting, because the paradox of our wired world has made us connected electronically. Eventually, we become less connected emotionally, People spend hours each night downloading podcast, emailling, surfing net and playing with phones.

They have forgotten the importance of old fashion conversation. They have neglected the power of breaking bread with family and friends; the importance of human touch.

I have no plans to show up for a cuddle party soon. I rather work to build the bonds of humanity with those already around me by loving my family, friends and relative. Supporting my team mates, client and colleague. Thats the cuddle i need!

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