Saturday, June 16, 2012

Always be Better and Doing Better!

I always have a keen interest in business; business that is accomplished and successfully run. For all the business, they seems to have a common secret. I mean, they must all be doing the same things, that why they can be so successful.

I was seating in a coffeeshop having my prawn noodle one day. Seating with me was a coffeeshop uncle enjoying his Kopi - O. For those who don't know what is Kopi - O, its Black coffee. No sugar nor Creamer.

Back to the topic, he looked at me and say "Son, you know why wealth can never last 3 generations?" Confused by his sudden question, I replied, No. Why? He say "Because the second and third generation can never go through what the first generation does. This motivation, determination, courage and all the trial and testing to ensure that this business system will work.

I nod with agreement, he continued " I always believe in getting better and doing better. I will never accept myself to settle in mediocrity."

Ok, I replied giving him the blurred look wondering why is he telling me all these and thinking who is he. Some big boss in some company or what?

He carried on, " There is 4 principles I always held true to me. They served me well my whole life. I learned it from my mother, she was the most amazing people i ever known. And I miss her a lot!"

"Sorry to hear about it, drink some coffee, you feel better" feeling lost now. "it's ok. I need to go back office soon. But before i do, I would like to share with you my 4 principles."

Improve - Always be getting and doing better. Never Settle for mediocrity.

Observe - Talk to the people you work with. Really listen to them. And keep your eyes on the business. Because you can expect only that which you inspect.

Connect - Be really good to people. Treat your customers with respect. Give them good value. Be caring and deal with any complaints fast.

Adapt - Conditions change. Competition grows. Uncertainty is the new normal. Stay fast. stay flexible. Stay Nimble.

Like a student listening attentively to the master,

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