Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Many wealthy creation books and seminar will teach you the number one thing before you are a millionaire, you need to reduce your expenses. Which means you have to buy less things which you think you need but actually you don't.

I do agree with this, but during the process, a lot of people focus so much on spending less, and finding the best bargin, and end of the day, they will have more left in their bank.

So what do they do with the rest over in the bank?

Many will say invest it, or nowadays the latest trend...setup a business.

Sad to say, most of these people does not have the ability nor the knowledge to invest or setup a business.

Many people nowadays go into investmest because some so call expert say this way the market will goes up or be careful, the oil price going down. And taking this advice, they manage to win some money from the market.

Gradually, they start to increase the stake and finally, one day, the market start crashing down...

does it sounds familiar to you? or have you heard of a similar stories like this?

Its happening every where. Many people are not trained to create weath, and they take their chances on the so call expert out there, without taking up any workshop or any market research.

Whatever you do, one word of advice, nothing is guaranteed, do your research before your set your foot on your next business or investment. Till next time...

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