A lot of people nowadays inspire to be rich and successful, but sad to say, not many will make it to the top.
As our standard of living has increase, owning a car, getting credit cards and even having a condominium is what a lot of people define as rich and successful.
And I define it as a very sad trend. Many people around me are blind by material enjoyment that they do not realise that being rich or successful does not mean you should look "rich" or are so call "Asset Rich".
The most important part in Wealth Creation, is SAVING.
Without saving, how are you able to multipy your wealth tremendously? How are you going to play the games of the rich and affluent?
And a lot of people make the mistake of investing their money too soon. Yes, I agree after we save our money, we need to invest. But if you should invest it too fast without planning for your future, and end up touching your investment fund, you might be at a loss.
So, a lot of people ask me, if I save my money and i cannot invest it, then what should it do with it?
I am not saying you should not invest, but invest after you have plan down that within the next 5 - 10 years you will not touch this investment fund. *This is very important*
Before i am going to end my thoughts for the day, if you are really serious about gettin to the top the safe and risk free way. Remember this advice, start planning today. Budget how much money you need for your basic necessities, and plan out how much can you save up every month. Finally put aside some money in case you might need this money in the near future, and the rest, invest it.
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