My mom is a very wise woman. As a kid, I loved to talk and i still do now. In school, I always like to talk to my classmate seating around me and I was constantly caught for talking. One day, Mom sat me down and said : you were given two ears and a mouth for a reason. To listen twice as much as you speak." Brilliant point!
Listen intently to someone is one of the best ways I know of to honor that person and forge a deep connection.
When you Listen to someone, it sends a message : "I value what you have to say, and I am humble enough to listen to your words." So few of us are really good at listening. Most people's idea of listening is waiting until the other person has finished speaking before answering. And the sad fact is that while one person is talking, most of us are rehearsaling our replies. How many of us are guilty of that?
New York attorney general, Eliot Spitzer has a line that empahsis the best. "Never talk when you can nod" Your effectiveness as a business person, family member or human being will absolutely soar if you get this one right. Listen twice as much as you speak. Become a world class listener. Get wildly interested in what others have to say to you. And just watch how people respond. They'll fall in love with you. Quickly.
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