Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Success - Up or Down?

Richard Carrion, the CEO of Puerto Rico's top bank once shared "Nothing fails like success."

Powerful thought. You, as well as your organisation are most vulnerable when you are most successful. Success actually breeds complacency, inefficicency and worst of all - arrogance.

When people and businesses get really successful, they often fall in love with themselves. They stop innovating, working hard, taking risks and begin to rest on their laurels. They go on defensive, spending their energy protecting their success rather than spending time focusing on the things that got them to the top.

The most successful you and your organisation become, the more humble and devoted to your customers you need to be. The more committed to efficiency and relentless improvement you need to be. The faster you need to play. The more value you need to add!

The moment you stop doing those, things that got you to the top is also the very moment you begin to slide down to the valley.

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