Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Getting in the Mood for Sex!

Sometimes, getting in the mood for sex can be as easy as eating.

Food can help trigger those sexual desires that are burning inside, and also some that were buried deep in like the Atlantis.

Proudly digged out from the internet, this list of foods below are likely to increase the libido, so make sure that you are in fact seeing the other half tonight and maybe see if the kids can be shipped off to a relatives or friends house.


Finally, a good reason to eat chocolate. Many associate chocolate with fattening stuff. But do you know that It contains tryptophan, which is a chemical in the brain involved in sexual arousal? It makes people feel relax and set the in the mood for some love. *wink wink*


Not only just almonds, but the smell of nuts is said to arouse passion in women - so people have only got themselves to blame if you pounce whilst on the train, bus or some other public place.

Almonds also contain the amino acid arginine which boost circulation allowing blood to flow to the sexual organs more easily.


This not only boosts energy levels and contains passion inducers potassium and vitamin B6 - but, it also counts as one of your five-a-day. A win-win situation if you ask me.


This may not be that great for your breath, but brushing your teeth should sort it out. Anyway, for a good cause, the allicin improves blood flow to the pelvic organs. A wonderful food if you ask me.

Goji berries

Otherwise known at the 'fruit viagra' so this has to work. The berries improve overall stamina, mood and well being. Plus, the anti-oxidants are known to help raise testosterone levels in both men and women. Heathly food with great benefits!

Pumpkin seeds

The zinc found in pumpkin seeds is shown to boost the libido by pumping up testosterone levels.

Now, time to start planning into a mood for great make out!

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