Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Unemployment: Are the lazy hurting the needy?

I was reading an article in MSN Money on this. This article shows about some thing which I kept reviewing recently; Talents.

The market in the US, according to reports, are recovering. Business are slowly open up and employing people. The current challenges they are facing is to find the right people for the job. This includes having the relevant skill set, capability and attitude for the job. The flipside of it, people are turning up just to ride on jobless benefits.

As the world progress to be better, faster and efficient, people are used to being 'lazy'. Things appeared good and seems easy. If they would have to work for it, they would prefer the easy way out. No doubt I believe there would have those that believe in working for it no matter what, but most of the people - the easy way out.

If you are interested, the full article can be found at msn money.

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