Friday, December 07, 2007

Today millionaire mind card message is :

Rich People constantly learn and grow. poor people think that they already know. Every master was once a disaster, which means You can learn to be great at anything.

Ths reminds me of a book by Wallace D. Wattles. The Science of Getting Rich.

This book was written in the early 1900s and inside, it mention many things about how rich people think and act in a certain way that get them to be rich. This is what it says about knowing more...

Every living thing must continually seek for the enlargement of its life, because life, in the mere act of living, must increase itself.

Intelligence is under this same necessity for continous increase. Every thought we think makes it necessary for us to think another thought; consciousness is continually expanding. Every fact we learn leads us to the learning of another fact; knowledge is continually increasing.

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